My Story

Hello. I’m Nicole Nicola, founder of My Dye Garden Studio. Opening a studio to share what most inspires me, and to connect with other makers, has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember.

The enduring theme of my work is the relationship between nature, the artist, and the things we choose to create, use and live with. I’m particularly devoted to the subtle, hidden details that may not be readily seen, but can be deeply felt in a room, in an object, and especially in natural color. One has to enter into these experiences, not just stand back and watch.

Striving to use only sustainable practices, materials and packaging is a challenge and a responsibility I take seriously. In addition to the small footprint cast by most natural dyeing processes, plant dyeing brings us into a close relationship with the environment we hope to preserve.   Dyeing with plants is not about using nature, it is about spending time with nature, noticing and collaborating with what lives around us. This activity requires thoughtfulness, humility and gratitude, all of which permeate the color. 

…drink in the beauty and wonder at the meaning of what you see.

-Rachel Carson


Most of the dyes I use grow in my small garden and in my neighborhood, here in Philly. Weld, marigold, cosmos, coreopsis, black walnuts and osage orange trees all thrive here with little taming. Simple yellow onion skins, harvested at my local grocery store, are also essentials in my process. Madder root and its deep, earthy red is my favorite, and I’m lucky to have a big, gangly bed of it. I love that you have to deal with some prickles to earn that color.

After making things, my next favorite thing to do is teach. I’ve had the chance to do this as a handwork teacher at the Waldorf School of Philadelphia, as a program director for the Applied Arts Training, and through many workshops for children and adults over the last 30 years. There’s a moment when a student stops thinking and becomes completely immersed in the colors, the materials and what they are making. That’s certainly where I’m happiest and its a thrill to think others may have that experience using the yarns, threads, felt and kits that I make.

Special thanks to Mario, Diane, Amanda, Carolyn, Taz, Danette, Sonny, Hector and my amazing mom, without whom I’d still be talking about this and never doing it.